I found Dwight to be reliable open and an expert in his field. It was a pleasure to work with him.

Bernadette BloomMedical Intuitive, Energy Medicine Teacher & Practitioner, Physical Therapist


As an entrepreneur and emerging business leader, you have been through the drill before. This is not your first rodeo.

You know you have a great idea.  Friends and family have already invested money.  As you take it to the next level there are many issues to be addressed from how your existing investors and founders are treated to how the investors in the next seed round will look to invest.

And at Chidatma Law Group, we speak “start up.”

When a company is ready to take on investors it generally accepts capital through several instruments, including preferred stock, convertible notes, SAFE notes, and KISS notes. These various agreements track the terms and rights for each group of investors. In addition to the agreements, startups need to ensure they are following state and federal securities laws. Ensuring compliance involves navigating a myriad of state and federal securities regulations based on the type of investors and the states where securities will be sold.


The documents in this phase are typically well known but are often created in multiple variations. Documents like:

  • Suite of stock grants and board action authorizing the same
  • Stock Purchase Agreements
  • 83(b) filings
  • Board action authorizing form of employment agreements
  • Recording of loans and other financial and nonfinancial investments
  • Contributions by founders and initial funders
  • 409A valuation review
  • Advisors agreement
  • Board member agreement Indemnification agreement
  • Funding agreements, including convertible notes (note and note purchase agreements) or equity funding (stock purchase, SAFEs, investors’ rights, voting, right of first refusal and co sale agreements, amended articles, various certificates, schedules, and disclosures)
  • Stock option documents: stock plan, grant notice/agreement, exercise notice/agreement [standard and early exercise, which includes 83(b)],
  • Stockholders agreement — built in or standalone,
  • Spousal consent,
  • Regulatory filings (if any) for stock plan
  • Ongoing board, shareholder approvals for all of the above Terms and condition

These documents are not susceptible to up front pricing, but we can quote a price on a flat fee or project basis.  And we are not afraid of alternative fee arrangements.

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